Hyundai SW-309L E309LT1-1/-4 Stainless Flux Core All Position 1.2mm 15kg

Hyundai SW-309L E309LT1-1/-4 Stainless Flux Core All Position 1.2mm 15kg

Product Code: MWSF3091212

For more info call GWS on 0800 536 774

All Positional Flux Cored Mig wire for welding of dissimilar metals, stainless steels and carbon steels or stainless steels, low alloy metals, 23.5%Cr-13%Ni stainless steels or Buffer layer welding for cladding, overlays SW-309L is an all-positional welding wire with easier re-arcing, beautiful bead appearance and better slag removability. Flux cored wires will deposit welds at a higher deposition rate. This wire contains a high ferrite level in its austenite thus providing better weldability together superior Heat and corrosion resistance. Shielding Gas : 100% CO2 or Argon+20~25% CO2 Current DC + Benefits: The slag is self-peeling and minimizes cleanup. Excellent mechanical properties in deposits Excellent Operator Appeal High Deposition Rate All-Positional Typical Wire Chemistry (As welded): C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo Cu 0.027 0.74 1.27 0.021 0.006 12.99 23.36 0.130 0.125 Typical Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal: Tensile Strength: 540 MPa Eloncation: 40% Classification: AS/NZS: 17633 A T 23 12 L P M21/C1 2 AWS A5.22/ASME SFA5.22 E309LT1-1/-4 EN ISO 17633-A - T 23 12 L P M21/C1 2 Approvals: DNV-GL LR, NK, TUV DB
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