Blue Demon Tig Wire ER80S-D2 Mo

Blue Demon Tig Wire ER80S-D2 Mo

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Features and Benefits: ER80S-D2 is a mild steel solid wire used in situations where porosity is a problem or when you must counter high-sulfur or carbon content in your base metal. It contains high levels of manganese and silicon to provide good wetting as well as good rust and scale tolerance. AWS Specification: A5.28/A5.28M:2005 AWS/ASME SFA A5.28 ER80S-D2 Typical Applications: X-ray quality applications High-strength welds Steam boilers & pressure tanks Gas pipes Heat exchanges Petrochemical industry Shielding Gas: 100% Argon Typical Physical & Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength MPa/552 Yeild Strength/469 Elongation %/17 Welding Positions: F, V, OH, H Typical Wire Chemistry (As welded): C/0.07-0.12 Mn/1.60-2.10 Si/0.50-0.80 P/0.025 S/0.025 Ni/0.15 Mo/0.40-0.60 Cu/0.50 Other/0.50 AWS Certification: A5.28/A5.28M:2005 AWS/ASME SFA A5.28
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