Blue Demon Tig Wire ER70S-2

Blue Demon Tig Wire ER70S-2

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Features and Benefits: Blue Demon ER70S2 is a premium TiG wire used for welding on all grades of mild and carbon steels, producing quality welds with minimal porosity. It is a triple deoxidized wire (Zirconium, Titanium, and Aluminum) making it an excellent choice for welding over rust and mill scale. 70S2 can be used for a slightly under matched filler metal on chrome moly, it gives better overall properties and works a lot better if no heat treatment is required. Typical Applications: Pipes and drilling rigs Structural steel work Chrome Moly Shielding Gas: 100% Argon Typcial Physcial & Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength MPa/483 Yeild Strength/400 Elongation %/22 Welding Positions: F, V, OH, H Typical Wire Chemistry (As welded): C/0.05 Si/0.55 Mn/1.1 Ti/0.12 Zr/0.07 Al/0.11 AWS Class: ER70S2 AWS Certification: AWS A5.18/A5.18M:2005 ASME SFA A5.18
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