Tig Wire Aluminium Bronze A2

Tig Wire Aluminium Bronze A2

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Sold per KG Features and Benefits: Aluminium Bronze A2 is a very versatile alloy it is used for joining aluminium bronze of similar composition, silicon and manganese bronze, high strength copper-zinc alloys, some copper-nickel alloys, ferrous metals and dissimilar metals. Dissimilar applications include aluminium bronze to steel and copper to steel. It is also used for building up or overlaying metal for wear and corrosion resistant surfaces. Weld deposits exhibit high mechanical properties, tensile strength, yield strength and hardness. Application: Suitable in shipbuilding industry for pumps, propellers and valves when a high sea water corrosion resistance is required as well as in automotive industry in galvanized sheet welding and in construction industry where high mechanical properties are required. Welding Current: AC or DCEN Shielding Gas: 100% Argon Typical Wire Composition (% as welded): Cu + Ag(min)/Bal Al//8.5-110 Fe/0.5-1.5 Si (max)/0.10 Zn (max)/0.02 Pb (max)/0.02 OET/0.50 Typical Physcial & Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength/545 Mpa Yield strength/240 Mpa Elongation/28% Classification: AS/NZS ISO 24373 EN ISO 24373 – S Cu 6180 (CuAl10Fe1) AWS/ASME Spec 5.7 AWS Class ERCuAI-A2 UNS C61800
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