Tig Wire Aluminium Blue Demon AL4047 (718) 12% Si 4.54kg Pkt

Tig Wire Aluminium Blue Demon AL4047 (718) 12% Si 4.54kg Pkt

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Features and Benefits: Blue Demon ER4047 (AL Si 12) was originally developed as a brazing alloy (718) to take advantage of its low melting point and narrow freezing range. It has a higher silicon content than its counterpart, ER4043 which provides for increased fluidity and reduced shrinkage in the weld. ER4047 produces bright and almost smut-free welds. This alloy may be used in applications of sustained elevated temperatures. ER4047 is a high silicon alloyed aluminium welding wire for welding Al-Si alloys with more than 7% silicon content. Thanks to its low melting temperature, that minimize parent metal distortions, ER4047 is very often used to braze cast aluminium components, wrought alloys, extrusions and sheets. When used with flame torch, it’s recommended to use the alloy with our flux WELDbraze WFAP227 or WFAP454. This alloy has excellent flow characteristics. Hot cracking is significantly reduced when using 4047 as a filler alloy. ER4047 is not recommended when anodising is required. Non-heat treatable What are the Advantages of Working with 4047 Aluminum? Aluminum 4047 comes with many advantages, including: It’s comprised of 12% silicon, compared with aluminum 4043’s 6% silicon content. This improves its fluidity during welding, especially for heat exchanger fabrication welders. The higher silicon content also reduces weld leakage, creating a smooth and aesthetically pleasing finish. It has a higher melting point. Aluminum 4047 liquidates at higher temperatures than aluminum 4043, meaning that aluminum 4047 resists cracks better and is smoother to the touch. It resists corrosion. Thanks to aluminum 4047’s 12% silicon content, it resists corrosion and wear better than aluminum 4043 and other alloys. Its strength is one of the main reasons why aluminum 4047 can bond and protect other metals so well. Typical Applications: Aluminum 4047 appears throughout the welding industry and forms invaluable parts of the automotive, aerospace, and architectural manufacturing. Filler Material Aluminum 4047 works well as a cladding alloy or filler material. Cladding protects less wear-resistant metals by coating them with a protective metal. Aluminum 4047’s strength renders it an excellent cladding material without drastically increasing the cladded product’s weight. Automotive Engineering Aluminum 4047 can be found in a number of vehicle parts due to its ability to handle adverse environmental conditions without increasing the vehicle’s weight. It also appears in engine blocks, especially crankcases. Cars constructed of aluminum alloys often employ space frames made of extruded profiles to guarantee rigidity. Aerospace Engineering Aluminum–magnesium alloys have formed essential parts of aerospace projects since the adoption of metal-skinned aircraft. Aluminum 4047 resists heat much better than other alloys when combined with magnesium, reducing the flammability of finished projects. The aerospace industry also avoids stress and heat-related wear by joining parts using aluminum 4047 fasteners. Other Applications You can find aluminum 4047 practically everywhere. It appears in window frames, leak-tight joints, welding filler wires, and housing. The alloy also clads microwave-integrated circuits with laser-welded covers. Any type of construction that requires a lightweight yet durable material stands to benefit from the use of aluminum 4047 alloys. Shielding Gas: 100% Argon Typical Physical & Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength MPa/186 Yeild Strength MPa/55 Elongation %/12 Melting Point 638°C Solidification 576°C GMAW-DCEP GTAW-AC Welding Positions: F, V, OH, H Typical Wire Chemistry (As welded): Mn/0.15 Si/11.0-13.0 FE/0.08 ZN/0.20 Cu/0.30 Mg/1.10 Other/0.15 Remiander AI AWS Specification: AWS A5.10 AWS Certification: AWS AWS A5.10/ A5.10M:1999 AWS/ASME SFA A5.10 ER4047
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