Hyundai SW-2209T1-1 Duplex Flux Core All Position 1.2mm 15Kg

Hyundai SW-2209T1-1 Duplex Flux Core All Position 1.2mm 15Kg

Product Code: MWSF22091212

For more info call GWS on 0800 536 774

All Positional Flux cored Duplex stainless steel Mig Wire designed for welding of Duplex stainless steels like 2205 SW-2209 is a titania type flux cored wire for all position Welding with CO2 & Ar+CO2 mixed shielding gas. Arc stability is excellent, so spatter loss is low and slag covering is uniform with good removability Hyundai SW-2209 flux cored wires will deposit out-of-position welds at substantially higher welding currents than other stainless steel wires, resulting in a higher deposition rate. Benefits: The slag is self-peeling and minimizes cleanup. Excellent mechanical properties in deposits Excellent Operator Appeal High Deposition Rate All-Positional Shielding Gas: 100% CO2 or Argon+20~25% CO2 Welding Positions: All Typical Wire Chemistry (As welded): C/0.03 Si/0.5 Mn/1.1 P/0.010 S/0.009 Ni/8.8 Cr/23.3 Mo/3.7 2 N2/0.11 Typical Mechanical Properties of Weld Metal: Tensile Strength: 840 MPa Elongation: 27% Classification: AS/NZS: 17633 A T 22 9 3 N L M21/C1 2 AWS A5.22: E2209T1-1/-4 EN ISO 17633-A-T 22 9 3 N L M21/C1 2 Approval: DNV·GL Duplex Stainless Steel (M21)