Blue Demon Mig Wire AL 5356

Blue Demon Mig Wire AL 5356

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ER5356 is a general-purpose type aluminum alloy which is typically chosen for its relatively high shear strength. In addition, it also offers excellent corrosion resistance when exposed to salt water. ER5356 should be considered for welding 5000 series aluminum base metals. Typical Applications: Welding filler wire Shielding Gas: 100% Argon Argon/Helium Mixtures Current Range DCEP (Electrode Positive, Reverse Polarity): Diameter(mm)/Amp 0.8/70-110 0.9/120-150 1.0/130-210 1.2/170-225 Mechanical Properties: Melting range - 570-635C Conductivity - 29% IACS ( - O)/27% IACS ( - H18) Density - 2657.27 kg/m3 Anodised Colour - White Tensile Strength, ksi - 38 Typical Wire Chemistry (As welded): Si/0.25 Fe/0.40 Cu/0.10 Mn/0.05-0.20 Mg/4.5-5.5 Cr/0.05-0.20 Zn/0.10 Ti/0.06-0.20 Other/0.15 Al/REM Classification: EN ISO: 18273:2004 AWS: AWS A5.10/A5.10M:1999(R2007)