Tig Wire ER312 Stainless Steel

Tig Wire ER312 Stainless Steel

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Tigwire ER312L stainless steel filler wire with a duplex structure for the joining of dissimilar steels, low-alloy steels to stainless. Also used to provide a buffer layer on tooling prior to hard-facing. Work hardens to some degree. High resistance to impact. Can also be used for joining wear plates to mild steel support structures. Suitable for difficult-to-weld stainless steels and dissimilar materials. 312 can be used for joining hard to weld materials and dissimilar metals. High resistance to weld metal cracking. CLASSIFICATION: AWS ER312 Shielding Gas: 100% Argon Applications: Tool steels Hard to weld steels Cast and wrought alloys Dissimilar metals Dies, tools Spring steel Shaft repair Superior weld ability for all steels
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